
Saturday, October 11, 2008

The trip to Kruger

Cape Town is near the southernmost tip of Africa. Kruger is far to the east, near the border of Mozambique. Originally I was to fly from Cape Town to Jo'burg, and then fly from Jo'burg into Kruger, or closer to it. Well there were no flights into Kruger, and so I had to be picked up by a bus.

But first I have to tell you that I got onto a plane through it's butt. There was a stairway leading into the direct rear of the plane. That was a first.

Anyway, I had to be up very early, because the flight to Jo'burg left at 5:45 AM. The nice lady from Tobi (the little backpacker place where I use the internet) and her husband picked me up and dropped me at the airport. They got to the house at 5:15. But, I didn't have an alarm clock, and so I had to use my cell phone. But my cell phone is confused here and gets no service. When I had to turn it on to try to use the alarm, I realized that my phone thinks it's January 1, 2000, at 12:10pm. But really it was 11:30pm. So I had to calculate the times if I wanted the alarm to ring at 4:30am. So I set the alarm for 5:10pm. Aren't I so smart? I felt pretty smart anyway.

Well my body woke me up at 3am of course. And I stayed pretty much in and out of sleep between then and 5:15 when I had to be picked up. By the way, I saw Orion high in the sky at that time. I always like it when I see Orion because it means that fall is here and it's almost winter. You have to stay up pretty late at night at this time of year to see Orion, and because I live in the city it's hard to see the stars. But here, OH! the stars! They have completely different constellations in parts of the sky. Also I saw JUPITER! Who could imagine it? Anyway...I digress.

So I get to the airport, fly to Jo'burg, and go right past baggage claim because I am awesome and only carried on.

Well I was being picked up....

I will continue this story later. Going to dinner.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. by the way, I posted several comments for you...finally figured out how to do it.
