As I made reference to in an earlier post, our morning in Little Italy started with parking, and a dude yelling at what we think was a woman on his cell and not getting my Good Samaritan Quarter. Oh, and we also drove by a real-life Italian funeral just like in the Godfather. Women were wailing, men were hugging them, the whole sha-bang. Then we walked into a shoe store, (right after I stepped in dog poop) and this overly tan/overly friendly salesman started selling us those really ugly anti-gravity moon shoes with the rounded bottoms. And he kept saying stuff like, "they improve your posture." and "they even work while sitting". And so I go, "But, can they find you a man???" And then I walked on, looking at shoes. He followed me and asked if I had tried eHarmony.com. Honestly I don't know why I talk to strangers.
So he recommended this place for breakfast, and we disregarded his suggestion and went to a different place. Now, normally I am a master of the self-portrait. Most photos of myself were taken by me. (See my entire blog.) Here is a rare mishap. I think I may have been worried about dropping the camera?
p.s. I had lox on a bagel with red onion. YUM.
Little Italy was totally a highlight of the trip for me. It was such a cool place.
LOL have you tried eharmony.com. "No have you tried getting a sense of humor and a sense to go away"
Lox on a bagel with red onion and you're wondering why you can't find a man? Jacqui
This place had the best cappuccino I have EVER!!!!! tasted. I would fly back there just for that. And I finally had my first Cannoli (I have wanted to try one ever since the guy in The Godfather said Don't forget the Cannolis just before he wasted a guy.) --I am hooked!
Keri said wasted.
She is one step from completely being out of control!
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