I bought curtains. I have been living in my house for 6 years this April. I have been meaning to buy curtains the whole time. I just didn't get around to it/didn't have the money/etc. I even had a woman come to the house and draw up plans to sew them and everything, but it just never happened. I think I blogged earlier about World Market going out of business. So I go there all the time and the other day I went there to look for place mats and I accidentally bought curtains. So tonight I bought the rods, which were more expensive than the curtains...(argh). Whatever. I'm feeling a huge sense of accomplishment, even though I did nothing. My lovely friend Sheen Hanson and her nephew Shelby came over and took care of everything! THANKS SHEEN AND SHELBY!!! Also we moved my bookshelves. I have big plans for that big empty wall to the left of the couch; stay tuned.


Love it. But my word verification thinks otherwise. krapla
SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL! Isn't Shene the best? My house has curtains because of her as well. I love the curtains, I had to do an enlarge to really see the fabric, LOVE IT! I love the revamp on the bookshelf as well. PS: Kelly that is the funniest thing you have ever commented! LOL!
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