
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"OK Nancy, put your arms at your side."


  1. I do not do well under posing pressure! someday i will show you my gradaution pictures. someday. I can still hear the photographer from "93" saying " tilt your head...a little more, little more.turn, tilt, turn,tilt."! SNAP! It then was too late. that moment in time is forever on my mama's shelf. my head turned at a almost 45 degree angle.

  2. OMG I'm laughing so hard I have to see that.

  3. I totally understand Nancy, Whenever I feel ill-at-ease and awkward, I know there must be a camera somewhere near by, and honestly, what do photographers think they are doing when they pose us anyway? I think I have the same grad picture you described.

  4. Your school picture can't be as bad as Mile's this year.
