This was our first morning in San Diego. We had spent the previous evening out too late having drinks at the fire table on a rooftob in La Jolla, and so I was tired. Plus you gain a coupla hours on the way out there so even though we were asleep by 1, it was more like 3am in my brain. And then Keri got up at 5:30 California time. ...Or 5:30 Specific Time. Pacific Time? Anyways, she was up flip-flopping around the room and the girls were like, Keri, we really can't go anywhere or do anything this early. And I was all mad and tired so I was like, Keri. Lay. Down. And then I dreamed that I screamed at her because she kept getting ready for the day and she was flip flopping around the room like crazy in my dream, and so I screamed about her flip flops and how it is socially unacceptable to get every body out of bed at 5:30 in the morning, when nothing opens until 9am anyways. And plus we're on vacation. But none of this happened, because she really did Lay. Down. when I told her to. So we got up for reals around 8am and went to Old Town for breakfast. I had some over-medium eggs over broiled pulled pork. It was awesome. Really Really Awesome. And we also saw a restaurant called O'Hungry's. Which I thought was an awesome name for a restaurant. And the coffee was good. Best breakfast ever. But that was the start of a really long day.
Then we went thrift store shopping in Encinidas and we all got a pair of jeans and Keri bought a dress. There was an ANCIENT old woman working at the thrift store. Literally must have been in her 70's, and she was wearing the outfit of a 15 year old. And her hair was done up like a 15 year old. She was wearing bumpers, like Chuck Taylors with low rider jeans and a polo. And she was on the phone with a friend and then hung up and told the other worker-lady that her friend needed to get out of this relationship because it wasn't working and blah blah blah, and then proceeded to tell us about her boyfriend. It was like super weird. Super weird. I regret heavily not taking her photo because it is impossible to describe her appearance and also the way she talked about boys like she was a teenager.
You take great pics! I love those chairs.
Your description of the little old lady is very funny.
Yes awesome picks.
Hanna, you would have gotten such a kick out of that lady. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was very disturbing.
Good times!
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