A few things I notice are:
Kasey's bow
Keri's missing glasses (they didn't have BIG glasses in the olden days, she had to take them off I think)
Kelly's "hat"
My smile. They told me not to smile. "In the olden days, people didn't smile", I remember them saying. In retrospect, they maybe meant that people didn't smile in photos. I remember feeling so sorry for the people in the olden days because they were probably very poor and sad, what with the "no smiling" rule.
But, I was SO excited to have our picture taken, I couldn't help it!

Love the parasol hanging on Kelly's arm, the plaid thing around Pete's neck, the flowers you're holding AND your smile. Jacqui
Pictures took too long, so they didn't hold the smile. You know how you shake when holding your smile too long? Also: I think you are a pot and Kelly is the kettle. Your "hat" looks like a bowl resting on your head. Which is what I have thought it was for the last 26 years.
I am completely in love with this.
Even in the photo, you are suspiscious of my hat. Look at you lookin at it.
"In the olden days, people didn't smile."
I remember I was just disgusted because, I wanted us to dress up in the wild wild west saloon girls and cowboy outfits, and instead we had to dress up in these proper up to our neck frills.
I don't know what I kept looking at. But I remember Dad repositioning my head to look towards the camera a lot. But he apparently couldn't see my eyes not listening as well.
Kady, you smiling reminds me of Mark Walberg in "Rockstar". How he was suppose to have a stern look in his band picture, but he couldn't hold back his smile, because he was so happy to be part of the group. I am thinking the same thing happened here.
I remember crying to mom to MAKE Keri take off her heels. She was determined to be taller than me in the pic, and I was determined she would NOT. I won! Love the '80s "feathered" hair. I also love the parasol on Kelly's arm. A "proper" lady at what, 11 years old?
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