Recipe for Soap:
(Boil 4 cups water. Add 1 cup grated Fels Naptha bar soap. Whisk until melted. Add 1 cup sifted Borax and 1 cup sifted washing soda. Stir until liquified and add to an ice cream pail filled half-way with cold water. Add more water if needed, until ice cream pail is filled to within one inch of top of bucket.)
It was fun, and we made a ton of soap. Ashley brought goggles, in case things got messy.
And then today, I cleaned my tub with washing soda paste. Worked like a charm. I saw also in my book, "Green Clean" that you can cut a lemon in half, dip it in Borax and use that to wash your tile and tub, so I'll try that next time. I'm pretty sick so I didn't go crazy. BUT I also did a load of dishes in the dishwasher using one part Borax and one part washing soda. It's running right now, I'll let you know how that turns out.

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