And I don't think people should own them, but I couldn't resist shooting a green balloon flapping in the breeze. It only took me four times to get it. I kept trying to line up the bead way north of the guides, and then dad told me that the three beads need to line up all at the top. Flush. Level. I think this is why I was such a bad shot as a kid and always missed the animals.
POW! POW! POW! POW! Semi-automatic .22 pistol. Totally a pansy gun. A little girl gun. But it was cool anyways. And very redneck.
Notice how my dad is wearing hearing protection, and I am not.
I wonder where the three bullets you missed with landed? Do you feel guilty now?
You have green balloon blood on your hands, you green balloon murderer! love, jacqui
That is too bad you don't like guns Kady - elliott's brother Jeff just bought a new one - I thought maybe that would help you too rekindle the love you once shared
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