Peppermint Schnapps, Finnish Licorice and Mini Marshmallows. A delicacy in Finland. I guess you can't get them there and the girls opened a bag of them especially for us as a huge treat. And they were.
Here's my new hat, the one destined to get left in some country somewhere. And I think Ross looks Super-Handsome in this one, in his Hexum's Guide Service hat:

Here's us, waiting for the bus that would take us away from Helsinki forever.

These are examples of what we called the "Cousins-Picture". Where Ross, crouches WAY down, and I hold the camera out and we try to get both of us and the landmark in the picture. As in, "Ross, we better take a "Cousins-Picture here", or "can we quick get a Cousins-Picture before the bus gets here?" Normally I fly solo in these self portraits and so it's a little bit tricky to get your 6'4" cousin in them too.
A couple times I had the camera facing the wrong way or it would be a half-Kady, no Ross picture. Of course I would take several tries each time. All-in-All, I think we took about 173 "Cousins-Pictures" over the course of 2 1/2 weeks. Here are some misfires:
Why do I always make this weird toothy smile in a self portrait?

This one's not so bad

Hate my hair here, and that tooth thing again!
Too much Kady, not enough Ross:
Too much Ross, not enough Kady. P.S. Ross is only laughing because we were all done with the 5 hours of hiking and my shoes were still white but in order to try and get this shot I had to stand in mud and he thought it was so funny that I would probably get my shoes muddy just trying to get a "Cousins-Picture" in front of the Preikestolen sign. And he's right it would have been funny.
Too much Kady not enough Ross
Too much Ross not enough Kady
Ross says I take too long and that's why his eyes are always closed...
These next two are just scary. (of me)
You look like you are husband & wife.
Well, unfortunately that's not legal in Minnesota OR Norway...yet.
Unfortunately for you, or for Ross?
Come on down, Kady! It's legal in Texas. Jacqui
Jacqui... Dont encourage her... Ross
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