
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our last meal in Helsinki and the "Cousins-Picture"

Peppermint Schnapps, Finnish Licorice and Mini Marshmallows. A delicacy in Finland. I guess you can't get them there and the girls opened a bag of them especially for us as a huge treat. And they were.

Here's my new hat, the one destined to get left in some country somewhere. And I think Ross looks Super-Handsome in this one, in his Hexum's Guide Service hat:

Here's us, waiting for the bus that would take us away from Helsinki forever.

These are examples of what we called the "Cousins-Picture". Where Ross, crouches WAY down, and I hold the camera out and we try to get both of us and the landmark in the picture. As in, "Ross, we better take a "Cousins-Picture here", or "can we quick get a Cousins-Picture before the bus gets here?" Normally I fly solo in these self portraits and so it's a little bit tricky to get your 6'4" cousin in them too.

A couple times I had the camera facing the wrong way or it would be a half-Kady, no Ross picture. Of course I would take several tries each time. All-in-All, I think we took about 173 "Cousins-Pictures" over the course of 2 1/2 weeks. Here are some misfires:

Why do I always make this weird toothy smile in a self portrait?

Not necessary to always open your mouth really wide:

This one's not so bad

Hate my hair here, and that tooth thing again!

Too much Kady, not enough Ross:

Too much Ross, not enough Kady. P.S. Ross is only laughing because we were all done with the 5 hours of hiking and my shoes were still white but in order to try and get this shot I had to stand in mud and he thought it was so funny that I would probably get my shoes muddy just trying to get a "Cousins-Picture" in front of the Preikestolen sign. And he's right it would have been funny.

Too much Kady not enough Ross

Too much Ross not enough Kady

Ross says I take too long and that's why his eyes are always closed...


These next two are just scary. (of me)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed a post of photos I probably should have deleted on the camera the moment they were taken. But instead, brought them home, uploaded them, and now shared with all the dozens of you.


  1. You look like you are husband & wife.

  2. Well, unfortunately that's not legal in Minnesota OR Norway...yet.

  3. Unfortunately for you, or for Ross?

  4. Come on down, Kady! It's legal in Texas. Jacqui

  5. Jacqui... Dont encourage her... Ross
