
Thursday, January 14, 2010


So we are here, and the weather is just fantastic. We arent getting tan of course, but we didnt get burned yet either so thats a plus. We are pretty much taking a bath in 70 SPF every morning. Our days so far have consisted of sitting by the hotel pool and swimming in the ocean. The first day we were here we took a Spanish lesson, played in a ping pong tournament, played beach volleyball...saw three HUGE iguanas by the pool. They seriously just sort of live in the pool area. ICK. The big momma was coming right for us! But slowly, so we made our escape. Just kidding, she never got within 30 feet, but I didnt like that one bit. The next day I was holding a different, smaller iguana on my arm. Go figure. I was kind of forced into it by its owner, and then he wanted money.

Hanna lost her favorite sunglasses in the ocean, and we were scared away by jellyfish.

Internet time is scarce...sorry for the slow posting. But really theres not a whole lot going on besides relaxation and bad movies.

Today I saw the grossest feet in the history of the world. Looked like cauliflower for toes. ICK. And they were in the same pool water as me. Shoulda got a photo.


  1. Did you get pictures of the notoriously cute sunglasses? Take care of my baby and keep having TONS of fun!! BTW, did you buy her a bikini? I wasn't aware she owned one.

  2. yes...I hope thats OK?

    She looks better in hers than I do in mine. :(
