
Friday, October 8, 2010

Lil' Lesson in Geography

So here's a little map of Central America, to show where Nicaragua is. 

And below is a close-up map of actual Nicaragua.  I am flying into Managua (in the West) on Sunday.  My roomates (Bridget and two others) are going to take me to Granada, which is on that bigger lake.  We are going to stay in a rented house for about 4 days, and then head up to Esteli, which is straight north of Managua.  I have friends in Leon, so I hope to visit there as well.  I will stay in Esteli with the same three roommates until the end of November, when I will take a bus ride down to Costa Rica to stay for two months with Nicole, who is from California but is spending a year in Costa Rica.

It is the rainy season right now, but that should clear up in November.  The weather is hot and humid.  There is an active volcano you can hike right up to.  Specific brands of tampons are hard to come by.  And, now you officially know as much about Nicaragua as I do.


  1. What kind of tampons do you like? I might be persuaded to send you your favorites. How did you meet your roommates? What are you going to do there? Whatever tickles your fancy or do you have a planned out schedule?

  2. Kotex regular.

    One of my roommates is a friend of a friend. Like I said, I'm not afraid to invite myself.

    There is no plan yet except I'm going to learn Spanish. Mark my words.

  3. Don't you mean muy mejor positivo? Better start the Spanish learning pronto.

  4. Watch your Zumba in Espanol for some quick language lessons. If that doesn't work, break into a little salsa step and nobody will care what you're trying to say.

  5. Good idea, Anne. I'll just dance my way through Central and South America. Up to and including when the bad guys kidnap me. I'll be like, seriously? *tap t-tap tap* *sliiide* *jazz hands* *smile* ??

  6. As long as you know "Donde esta el bano??" you should be fine.

    I learned "que te mueve" from Zumba. It means "what moves you?" It could come in handy. You just never know.

    Hey, have you ever watched that creepy show "Locked up abroad"? I'm just askin'.
