I just got off the phone with my niece Hanna. I was forcing her to think of anything, ANYTHING news-y to tell me, because I was just kinda desperate. She told me about how my dad came to stay there last night, and how he's got my other niece Karley staying at the cabin and he's pulling her behind his van on her snowboard...she told me that it's my nephew Skete's first day at his new job at Giant's Ridge, a ski place in northern Minnesota (and the coolest job I can think of for a 17-year-old boy). They're paying him really well and I think he'll get lift ticket benefits (?). Anyways, I kept pressing her for information. Finally she was like, "OH! I was scrubbing my feet with one of those foot file things, and there was like a quarter-cup of dead skin on the floor." Which made me DIE laughing. "A quarter-cup". Not "a quarter of a cup". So it made me picture scooping dead skin out of a big tupperware with a quarter-cup measuring cup and using a butter knife to scrape it level. Then she wondered if you could really make a cake with dead skin. She even suggested giving those foot scraping Eggs to a bunch of ladies, and I chimed in that we could make a Guiness World Record dead skin cake. Oh, we laughed. Then I remembered that I forgot to blog about my $5 in-home Nicaraguan pedicure. Here are some pictures...
So so so relaxing. |
Do you know how often I would get a pedicure if I could have it done in my home for $5? Probably a lot more often than once a year, that's how often. |
I don't know... |
...I would say more like a heaping Tbsp. |
So, here's what's funny. I have NEVER had that much dead skin come off my feet during a pedicure. In fact, one time I was having one next to my sister Kelly and I remember her poor lady had to scrub and scrub and file and file and scrub and file, and we laughed, and then when my lady got to the filing of my feet (she was a little behind Kelly's lady), Kelly looked at me like, "you're about to get embarrassed too!" and then my lady said, "Wow, your feet are soft, like baby's butt." And I was like "ZING!" Oh, we laughed.
Anyway back to Nicaragua. I saw all that skin and was very embarrassed. I said,
"No es tipica! No es tipica! Es de Dengue. Dengue!!!"
For more information on what to do with dead foot skin, please, please,
please click here for a hilarious post from my friend Sarah.
Remember Sarah's pedi-shavings art work last winter?
Yes. Ew!
I laughed, while secretly hating you.
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