
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Made a Fart Joke! In Spanish!

At the Baseball Stadium, the little girl in the red dress accidentally farted, really LOUDLY.  Of course I burst out laughing and looked around to see who else thought it was wildly hysterical.  As if given permission, they then began laughing too, but more reservedly.  I suppose in a situation like that you should probably not laugh, so the little girl wouldn't feel bad, but COME ON, it was SO loud. 

I laughed so hard I cried.  The situation was just ridiculous.  Then I looked at the lady next to me, and said, "el idioma universal".

Farts: "The Universal Language."

wakka wakka


  1. Did the lady next to you get it? Or did you do the typical Hexum thing and laugh hysterically at yourself by yourself?

  2. She got it! And laughed. Could this be a turning point in my comedic career???

  3. Little girls tears are also universal.
