
Monday, January 3, 2011

The Turd Burglar Strikes Again.

Do you remember this little ditty of a story?:

Click here to read a hilarious story about how I thought there was a burglar who poops in the toilet before murdering his victims.

Well, tonight I was chatting with Murphy's dad and he said that Murphy put a footlong sub in the toilet.  Murphy has autism and can be a bit of a handful, so naturally I assumed that he put an actual footlong sub from Subway in the toilet.  Nope. 

It turns out Murphy was on the potty tonight, giggling and saying "Just try, OK?" over and over again.  Murphy likes to torture us by repeating our commands back at us, while disobeying them.  This is similar to how he runs around at the pool while screaming, "No running!"  Anyways, then Ben said "If you poop in the toilet, you can have some ice cream."  Apparently his little face immediately went serious and then he pushed that huge thing out.  That footlong-sub-sandwiched-sized-thing.  Yay Murphy!

If only I had known this little bribery trick all summer while Murphy and I spent precious HOURS in the bathroom.  I actually put him on the toilet every hour on the hour and made him sit there for five and sometimes up to fifteen minutes.  You can imagine the frustration.  Me, sick of changing his diapers, and him, probably sick of me encouraging him with phrases such as, "PUSH! PUSH!" and "Just try, OK?"

Welllll, my diabolical little Murphy, if it's ice cream you want, then it's ice cream you'll get


  1. The "Push, Push" thing is so funny. I feel like I am coaching him to give birth to a turd. "Alright, you're almost there. Just a couple more pushes and you'll be done. Good job! You can do it! Just like that. I'm so proud of you, Murphy! Now shake your butt so it falls."

  2. ha! I'm embarrassed but one time I grabbed his knees and pushed them up to his chest like the nurses made us do with Kasey's legs when she was giving birth. I thought maybe gravity might take hold.

  3. p.s. do people shake their butt so babies fall out?

  4. Did I just "quote" myself? What is up with the quotation marks on my previous comment?

  5. I love his new (maybe not new, i've been away so long) answer "yes and no". Murphy are you hungry? "yes and no". Murphy do you have to go potty? "yes and no". Are you done swimming? "yes and no".

  6. Yes you did "quote" yourself. Twice. They are nice "sunglasses" though.

    I love when I give Murphy a choice, like "You want a cheesburger or chicken?" and he repeats "cheeseburger or chicken". But then he realizes that I might actually get him a cheeseburger, so he makes eye contact with me and says "chicken?".

  7. I may never be able to eat ice cream again without thinking about Murphy pooping.

  8. There "can" only be "2"March 4, 2011 at 9:52 AM

    I remember those days, sometimes a challenge, but always fun!! By the by in your blog column Poop is under recipe and so when I come to the Poop Recipe, I naturally, like YOU stop and stare... Then laugh.
