Have you ever taken the Meyers-Briggs personality test? It asks a variety of different questions to categorize your personality, one of the categories being "Introvert/Extrovert". There are 10 questions in this category. I score a perfect '10' for Extroversion. And by that I mean that I am 100% Extroverted, not that Extroversion is perfection. I don't have one Introverted bone in my body. I don't like being alone with my thoughts. I need people around me to recharge. I am
energized by people. Ask anybody who has ever been in my presence.
Today Summer blogged about that.
Click here to read her musings on living with an extreme extrovert. Something tells me my old 'slightly more introverted' Costa Rica roommate Nicole would completely understand...
Here is the link to Summer's blog.
Warning: Her blog is great and all...but you may get
her side of the story, which is the
incorrect side of the story, just so we're clear.
Also, you're not allowed to love her blog more than mine, or her more than me, this means you JACQUI.
"New-Shoes-Face" |
I'm 100% introvert, being around people literally sickens me so if you were my room mate I'd probably have to kill you,ha ha.
haaaa! Sherry, you're only echoing the sentiments of countless others.
Better to just read my blog from afar, I'd say.
She didn't even say anything about the constant whistling and singing either...
Too late. I love that Summer like a fat kid loves cake.
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