
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Must Hash it Out

Today at work one of my coworkers motioned towards my face and told me I had a mustache. Horrified, I asked, "do you mean my freckle mustache?"

He said, "no you have some dirt on your lip."

"Thank goodness," I said as I wiped my lip on my shirtsleeve. I then explained that I have a freckle mustache of hyperpigmentation from 30-something hormones and sun damage and if that's what he meant I would be really embarrassed. He and two other male coworkers laughed. Awkwardly.

After I got home I replayed the scene in my head. When I wiped my lip on my shirtsleeve no dirt came off. They laughed a little TOO awkwardly. He WAS talking about my freckle mustache!!!

If you look closely, you might be able to make it out in the photo below.


  1. You have to look veeeeeeeeee-ry closely.

    Tell me Kelly, will I wish I were in my mid-30's when I'm in my early 40's?
