
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Favorites: Summer and the Snake Wine

New to A Lady Reveals Nothing?  You've missed SO MUCH.  Not to worry.  Every Sunday, I dig through the archives to repost an old favorite.  Mostly because I'm too lazy to come up with new content every single day.  Enjoy!  This story first appeared on May 23, 2010:

Would you drink this?  It's called 'snake wine', but it's actually hooch with dead reptiles and centipedes soaking in it.  The sign says, 'you can't leave Laos not try snake wine.' I could.  Summer...could not.


  1. you didn't????!! oh wow, I'm very impressed. I'm sure you'll remember that drink forever x

  2. summer looks like she enjoyed it :) she even gave a thank you kiss!

  3. No WAY. Creepy crawlies. No WAY! Ick. I still can't believe she did it.

  4. I just googled "snake wine" and it was really gross and disgusting. It's supposed to be medicinal...did Summer notice any improvements after drinking it?
    I saw this stuff in China, but had no idea what it was!

  5. guys: She was sick for days. We never really knew if it was the snake wine, or the thought of the snake wine. hahahaha
