My parents raised me right, and so therefore I have always been very comfortable conversing with people of all ages. When I was maybe 7 or 8 I was chatting with this elderly gentleman and I was so impressed by his nice white straight teeth and so I told him so. I asked him, "did you have braces when you were a kid?" I went ON and ON about his awesome teeth.
Finally he said, "Do you want me to take them out so you can get a closer look?"

I love people who offer to take out their teeth. That sort of lack of pretense is inspiring, somewhat nauseating too, but still inspiring.
Did he do it??? I remember that my grandma took hers out to brush them. I spent a long time that night trying to get mine out. (and a few other times). I still believed in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy then. The damage was done before I found out the truth about many things.
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