
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stress on Vacation

Toilets are pretty advanced in Japan, as I've mentioned before. They will sing to you, they will wash your butt, or your front-butt, if you prefer, and sometimes they are a video game and you win if you hit the right targets with enough force.
But sometimes they are just downright practical, like the one pictured here. In order to save water and space, I think. The sink is attached and only activates itself when you flush. Which, for the anxious Minnesotan(!) only creates the following stresses:
1) hurry!
2) is the water dirty?!
3) hurry!
4) like, is it recycled poop-water?
5) it's attached to the toilet...
6) HURRY!!
Why is life so hard sometimes?



  1. That is so simultaneously clever and disturbing.

  2. I'm astonished that you, Kady, having been a home owner and a landlord, would know that the tank (top part) of a toilet only contains clean water, although cold water. #Plumbing 101.

  3. Of course I "know" it Chris. There's just no time for logical thought processes when you're under the gun to zip up your pants, fumble for the soap, scrub scrub scrub and then get it all rinsed before the flush ends.

  4. Now I know that at times I can be a man-basher, but I can see where a man (limited as they are cerebrally) may get confused and use this as a urinal, not a sink.
